


Agrifarma has identified the best defense and nutrition strategies for each type of crop.

FERTILIZERS: With a wide range of chemical, organo-mineral fertilizers, special liquid fertilizers for fertigation, microelements and the right knowledge of periods and cultivation phases, Agrifarma is at the forefront in choosing the most suitable solutions for the correct nutrition of plants, with regard and attention to the fertility of the land, respect for the environment and the health of operators.

PESTICIDES: Plant protection, together with proper nutrition, becomes essential to achieve optimal results with the constant presence in the field of expert technicians. Agrifarma proposes and supplies all categories of agro-pharmaceuticals: fungicides, selective and non-selective herbicides, insecticides. The vast expertise of our qualified staff allows us to advise on the most economical solution in defense strategy.

SEEDS: Agrifarma offers a complete varietal range of hybrid seeds of corn, soft and durum wheat seeds, soybeans and rapeseed, forage. The sowing plans are set up and studied considering, in addition to the pedoclimatic affinities of the varieties, the needs and requests of the agri-food and agro-industrial sectors.